The Tipping Point Tampa Bay Podcast

Our Beloved Country Has Been Hijacked From The People!

June 28, 2024 | by

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The Looming Election: A Quirky Tale of Hope and Headaches

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round! We’re on the brink of an election for the leader of what’s left of the free world, and oh boy, are there stories to tell. Our beloved country stands at the precipice of numerous challenges, some known for years, some looming like storm clouds. But worry not, dear reader, for amidst my thoughts, fears, and hopes lies a tale worth sharing.

The Long and Winding Road

Imagine a road that’s been under construction for decades. Signs of “Caution” and “Work Ahead” have become permanent fixtures. Our economy, bless its heart, is like a rickety old car sputtering along this road, while the Social Security System is a bus hurtling toward a brick wall. We’ve all seen it coming, yet here we are, hoping someone, anyone, will finally hit the brakes.

A Tale of Two Candidates

Now, let’s talk about our charming candidates. On one side, we have a gentleman who struggles to remember his own name. On the other, a fellow with an ego the size of an elephant and a history as murky as a swamp. It’s like choosing between a soggy sandwich and a stale doughnut. You can’t help but wonder, is this really the best we can do, America?

The Comedy of Errors

Our political system has become a tragicomedy, directed not by the people, but by wealthy corporations and their crafty lobbyists. Washington listens to our calls, but it seems their hearing is tuned only to the whispers of their “handlers.” It’s a damn disaster, and sometimes, I think a revolt is brewing. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but with these two knuckleheads on stage, who knows?

Democrat Daze and Republican Rumbles

The Democrats appear to be wandering in a smoky haze, while the Republicans offer us an arrogant, crooked New York snake. It’s like a circus, but without the fun. America, come on! We’re better than this sideshow.

A Prayer for the Future

I love my country with all my heart, but our political system has been hijacked, and it’s driving us into a ditch. Here’s hoping we can find leaders who genuinely want to fix our problems, not just win the next election. As we approach this election, let’s remember that we can do better. We must do better. Our children and grandchildren deserve a brighter, fairer future.

So, let’s vote wisely, speak out loudly, and demand the change we desperately need. After all, we’re the United States of America – we can and must rise above this circus show and chaos.

For the Record

I don’t like either of these circus clowns. I think we can do a hell of a lot better for candidates on both sides of the aisle. The Republican Party, frankly, knows it’s an easy win, and the Democrat Party is still in the green room smoking the funny stuff, trapped in the blue haze. Shaking my head as an ashamed American. Stay safe and as blessed as possible in these difficult times.

Scott Randy Gerber is a co-host of The Tipping Point Tampa Bay Podcast


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