The Tipping Point Tampa Bay Podcast

Our Veterans Deserve Better And Our Leaders Should Be Ashamed.

July 8, 2024 | by

Homeless vet picture

The world has lost its way, and our country seems to be wandering in the dark. It’s been hijacked by forces that thrive on greed and corruption. We start wars for all the wrong reasons because old rich men apparently have nothing better to do than sacrifice the young and innocent. These young people, who have never seen the horrors of war, are thrown into gruesome situations. Once they’re physically and emotionally shattered, we bring them home, offer them lousy health care, and then expect them to pay for part of that subpar care out of their own pockets.

Wouldn’t you think we could at least provide them with top-notch health care at no cost as a thank-you for their service? This country was once the most powerful and richest in the world. Now, we line politicians’ pockets with greed and corruption while veterans live on the streets, homeless and hungry. Their minds are often twisted and destroyed by the sights of war—killing, broken bodies, blood, and death.

We owe our veterans a lot better than what they’re receiving. The health care they get is sometimes worse than what you’d find in a third-world country. And to add insult to injury, they have to pay their share. If they’re living on social security or are now disabled, don’t worry—the government will take their money straight out of their checks each month. If they lack a support system, they’re left to fall through the cracks.

We owe our brave young men and women far better than what they’re receiving. They deserve our utmost respect and support, not the shoddy treatment they’re getting now.


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