The Tipping Point Tampa Bay Podcast

Need You Help!!!

August 28, 2024 | by

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Hey there, fabulous friends and future podcast pals! 


 Tonight, I want to chat about something super exciting! You know our podcast? Well, we’re not just stopping there—oh no! We’re cooking up something even spicier: a LIVE podcast on YouTube! 


 Imagine us, in all our glory, chatting away while you sit in your PJs with a tub of popcorn. Sounds like a party, right? But here’s the deal: we need YOUR help to make this dream a reality! We want to know how many of you would love to tune in live or catch up on past episodes whenever you’re lounging on the couch, avoiding adult responsibilities. 


 So, do us a solid and hit that subscribe button on our YouTube channel! The link’s down below—no need to get out of your comfy chair! Now, we know life can be a rollercoaster for the average American. Let’s face it, sometimes it feels like we’re all just trying to keep our heads above water while juggling flaming torches. 


 But together, we can give everyone a voice! Let’s reclaim our country, our leaders, and create a level playing field where we all get to shout “Hey, listen to me!” So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe and join our merry band of misfits! 


 You’ve got nothing to lose, except maybe your boredom. Follow the link below and let’s grow this community faster than your neighbor’s lawn during a rainy season! Thanks a million, and we can’t wait to see you on the other side! 

Wait….I’m not done yet…Ok..Ok… I’ll be as serious about the issue.. Yes..Its that important! The only way we will regain a meaningful voice in our local, state, and federal government is by uniting and acting collectively. Time is of the essence, and the situation is dire—it will only get worse if we don’t take decisive action. This is not about any one political figure, be it Trump, Harris, or anyone else. None of them are our saviors. We, as citizens, have lost our voice, and we must reclaim it.

We must come together as a community and make it clear that we are vigilant, engaged, and determined to take our country back. The power has slipped from our hands, and it’s time we remind our elected officials that they work for us—the people—not for the wealthy elites, big businesses, or lobbyists who have influenced their elections.

This is not just about today; it’s about securing a future for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. We must take a stand, demand accountability, and make our presence felt. Join the movement, subscribe to the channels that keep us informed, and let’s get back in the driver’s seat. This is our country, and it’s time we start acting like it. Thank you for your support—let’s make our voices heard and take action. So take that first step…SUBSCRIBE To That Damn YouTube Channel and again thank you and wishing you all a great and safe rest of your week.

Here is the link.

Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you



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